To coincide with the launch of Thryke – The Man That Nobody Knew, we introduce those that were a huge influence on the project.
These days, producing a book is necessarily a team effort. No longer can the writer sit and take all the praise! This is especially true in the world of self-publishing, where the author themselves must guarantee the utmost quality for their readers.
One immensely vital member of that team is the cover designer.
Today, we are joined by Maja Kopunovic, a tremendously talented artist, with equal gifts in exquisite detail and smoothing the client journey.
In our interview below, Maja gives us some revealing insights into the artwork which can make, or break, a book.
Hi! Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m Maja (pronounced Maya), I’m 24 years old, from Serbia, and I am a book cover designer. I studied Graphic Design in High School. It was there, almost ten years ago, that I opened Photoshop for the first time in my life, and fell in love with it.
How did you start designing book covers?
As I mentioned, I learned about all aspects of graphic design in High School. It was there that I learned the principles of designing, and also where I designed my first book cover. I remember it was for some boring school project… haha! It was only at the end of High School that I began to fully dedicate myself to designing and learning everything I can and need to know about becoming a professional book cover designer.
How important is a good cover?
The cover is a crucial part of any book. No matter how good the book in question is, it is the cover that will draw readers’ attention, but the story is what keeps it.
What other artists and designers do you admire?
Huh, that’s a difficult question! There is no easy answer to that, haha! I don’t have a favourite artist or designer, as such. What I like to do, and do very often, is go to Instagram, or some other social media platform, and type in a search for “book cover designs.” I can then get exposure to a lot of photos from a sea of talented people. That way, I can have a more honest opinion, because I don’t know who the designer is. If I like the cover, I like it, if not, not.
How do you work with authors? (i.e. your process / incorporating author ideas.)
It varies from client to client because every one of them is unique in their way. But I always start from the same basics: I ask the client what they need me to design and describe the information that I will need. Next, I make a few preliminary sketches, and the client can choose the sketch they like the most. From that point, we can work together, step by step, to make the author their perfect cover.
Where can people see your work?
My portfolio is easy to find online, and I encourage readers to go and have a look!
I have an Instagram page ->
And Dribbble profile ->
I find these both great places to share and showcase my work.
How can interested authors connect with you?
They can connect with me through my Instagram page -> or my email –
I am always delighted to hear from any writers who are looking the realise their dream book cover!
How hard was it getting to this stage of your professional career?
Trust me, it wasn’t easy, haha! The freelance world is especially tough. There are a lot of rejections, weird working hours, a lot of different people (good and bad). But with hard work, continually learning and trying to make yourself better than yesterday, you can be a success. Experience, and of course, a little bit of talent does help too! Hahaha!
Another essential element to have is support, because there will be moments when you want to give up and do something easier. But if you have at least one supportive person, you can and will push through it.
What are the pros and cons of working as a freelancer?
The hardest parts are rejections, not giving up, being patient and always giving 110% of yourself in every project. Fortunately, there are a lot of wonderful people, which more than make up for the other ones. Haha!
But the most rewarding part, for me, is meeting so many amazing people through my work. Some have gone on to become very close friends. Another aspect – that can become like a drug – is the excitement of a client when you bring their book cover to life and see how happy they are with it. That part never gets old.
What are your future plans?
I plan to learn interior book design and build a website. This will allow me to offer to authors, around the world, services in both book cover design and internal layout. I want to provide a one-stop-shop where an author can give me a manuscript within a file of their choosing, and I can take care of the cover and layout from there.
Thank you for joining us Maja and giving us some insight into the world of a freelance book cover designer. You have managed to make this an entertaining interview, so thank you for that! We wish you every success for the future, with many more beautiful covers to come!
Maja Kopunovic is the designer of the breathtaking cover for “Thryke – the Man that Nobody Knew” which is available for order now!